NWC News Alert (May 13, 2024)

USACE releases FY2024 work plan

NWC Members,

Today, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers released their FY 2024 Work Plan. The work plan lays out the allocation of FY2024 Congressionally appropriated funds to start, continue and/or complete studies and construction projects and operations and maintenance activities for 284 studies and projects in 50 states.

Under the FY2024 work plan, construction receives $3.3 billion; investigations get $147 million; operations and maintenance receive $5.553 billion; Mississippi Rivers and Tributaries gets $368 million; and the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program receives $300 million. This funding includes $827 million for commercial navigation; $23 million for flood risk management; $128 million for other authorized project purposes; $18 million for environmental infrastructure; $16 million for environmental restoration or compliance; and $368 million for donor and energy transfer ports.

According to the USACE press release:

  • Reconstruction engineering and design funded for completion in the work plan includes Ecorse Creek, Michigan; San Juan Metro Area, Puerto Rico; Coastal Texas Protection and Restoration Study, Texas (Bolivar Peninsula ― East Bay on the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway feature); River Des Peres, Missouri; New York & New Jersey Harbor Deepening Channel Improvements, New York and New Jersey; Willamette River Environmental Dredging, Oregon; Tacoma Harbor, Washington; and Alaska Regional Ports (Port of Nome Modification), Alaska.
  • Construction projects funded for completion in the FY2024 work plan include · McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System, Three Rivers, Arkansas; Brunswick Harbor Modifications, Georgia; Little Wood River, Idaho; Melvin Price Lock and Dam, Illinois and Missouri; Magnolia, Ohio Dam Safety (Construction); Chickamauga Lock, Tennessee River, Tennessee; and Norfolk Harbor and Channels, Craney Island, Virginia (Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund).
  • The release notes that the work plan also includes funding for a limited number of new studies and projects and that the plan also includes three previous unfunded studies with the investigations account and one in the construction account.
    • Previously unfunded studies in under investigations:  Shingle Creek and Kissimmee River, Florida; Wailupe Stream Watershed, Hawaii; and  Columbus, Kentucky
    • Previous unfunded projects under construction:  Metro Louisville, Kentucky Flood Protection System

Additional details regarding the amounts provided to various programs, projects, and activities may be found at: https://www.usace.army.mil/Missions/Civil-Works/Budget/.

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