2024-2025 NWC OFFICERS

Chair of the Board
Andrew Sinclair
Director, Government Affairs
Port of Virginia

Vice Chair
Julie Minerva
Carpi & Clay

First Vice President
Timothy D. Feather, Ph.D.
Vice President, CDM Federal Programs
CDM Smith

Second Vice President
Chris Collins
Director, Waterways,
Office of Multimodal Commerce,
Louisiana Department of
Transportation & Development

Third Vice President
Mitch Mays
Secretary and Administrator
Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterways Development Authority

Secretary & Counsel
Steven A. Burns
Partner, Balch & Bingham LLP
Representing Alabama Power Company
- Geoff Bowman, Vice President, Van Scoyoc Associates
- Tom Chapman, Senior Project Manager, HDR
- Sean Duffy, Executive Director, Big River Coalition
- Vincent Gin, Deputy Operating Officer, Water Supply Division, Valley Water
- Kristin Meira, Director of Government Affairs, American Cruise Lines
- Brad Pickel, Executive Director, Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Association
- Robert Sinkler, Chief Operating Officer, Streamside Systems, Inc., representing Upper Mississippi, Illinois, Missouri Rivers Association (UMIMRA)
- Cam Spencer, Director of Government Relations, Port Houston
- Emily Upchurch Callison, Iowa Corn
Representing ASSOCIATION MEMBERS, term ending in Fall 2025
- Blake Hardwich, Counsel, Adams and Reese, LLP, representing Coalition of Alabama Waterways Associations
- Jordan Howard, Director of Federal & Heavy Construction, Associated General Contractors of America
- Emily Mott, Executive Director, Red River Valley Association
- Robert Sinkler, Chief Operating Officer, Streamside Systems, Inc., representing Upper Mississippi, Illinois, Missouri Rivers Association (UMIMRA)
- Andy Whittington, Environmental Programs Coordinator, Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation
Representing ASSOCIATION MEMBERS, term ending in Fall 2026
- Will Fediw, Vice President of Industry and Government Affairs, Virginia Maritime Association
- Wynne Fuller, Warrior-Tombigbee Waterways Association
- Sarah Kirkle, Director of Policy and Legislative Affairs, Texas Water Conservation Association
- Neil Maunu, Executive Director, Pacific Northwest Waterways Association
- Sean Duffy, Executive Director, Big River Coalition
Representing ASSOCIATION MEMBERS, term ending in Fall 2027
- Ryan Bowley, Vice President of Government Affairs, The Fertilizer Institute
- Emily Upchurch Callison, Government Relations Manager, Iowa Corn
- Ian Lyle, Director of Federal Relations, Association of California Water Agencies
- Brad Pickel, Executive Director, Atlantic Intracoastal Waterways Association
- Nicole Elko, American Shore and Beach Preservation Association
Representing CORPORATE MEMBERS, term ending Fall 2025
- Geoff Bowman, Van Scoyoc Associates
- Bill Hanson, Great Lakes Dredge and Dock
- Kristin Meira, Director of Government Affairs, American Cruise Lines
- Julie Minerva, Partner, Carpi & Clay
- Richard Hancock, Managing Director, Black & Veatch
Representing CORPORATE MEMBERS, term ending in Fall 2026
- Eric Nagy, Principal, Larsen Wurzel
- Johnny Martin, Coastal/Hydraulic Engineer, Moffatt and Nichol
- Tom Chapman, Senior Project Manager, HDR
- Molly Lawrence, Partner, Van Ness Feldman
- Tom Ray, Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc
Representing CORPORATE MEMBERS, term ending in Fall 2027
- Grady Bryant, President, Gahagan & Bryant Associates
- Lowry Crook, Partner, Best Best and Krieger
- Jace Houston, General Counsel and Risk Compliance Director, Freese and Nichols, Inc.
- Ridge Robinson, Vice President, Tetra Tech, Inc.
- Jim Sartucci, Government Affairs Counselor, K&L Gates
Representing PUBLIC MEMBERS, Term ending in Fall 2025
- Chris Collins, Louisiana Department of Transportation
- Billy George, Deputy Director—Water and Wastewater, North Texas Municipal Water District
- Matt Gresham, Chief Governmental Relations Officer, Port of New Orleans
- Rob Rash, St. Francis Levee District
- (Vacant)
Representing PUBLIC MEMBERS, term ending in Fall 2026
- Kimbra Scott, Port Director, Port of Muskogee
- Cam Spencer, Director of Government Relations, Port Houston Authority
- Maggie Oliver, Vice President of Communications and Federal Affairs, Alabama State Port Authorities
- Scott Elmer, Harris County Flood Control District
- Sarah Standifer, Interim Director, Dallas Water Utilities, City of Dallas
Representing PUBLIC MEMBERS, term ending in Fall 2027
- Vincent Gin, Deputy Operating Officer, Water Supply Division, Valley Water
- Bill Sheppard, Yazoo Mississippi Delta Levee Board
- David Yarbrough, Port Director, Tulsa Port of Catoosa
- Thaddaeus Babb, Assistant Division Manager, Multimodal Division, Office of Freight Mobility, OK Department of Transportation
- (Vacant)